Beginners strengthen legs and core by holding a bent-knee pose resembling a lightning bolt, arms raised, for 5-10 breaths.
Beginners stretch and strengthen knees with a deep squat, heels grounded or supported, elbows inside knees, palms pressed together.
Beginners strengthen legs, back, arms, and core, opening hips and chest while practicing balance with extended arms and focused gaze.
Beginners strengthen legs and core, opening chest and side body, by leaning forward from Warrior II, using arm and leg traction.
Intermediate pose balances on one leg, strengthening legs and core, opening hips and chest, with a strong flexed foot and upward gaze.
Intermediate pose strengthens core, legs, and improves balance, with dynamic knee bending and straightening, arms overhead for added challenge.
Beginner/Intermediate pose opens hips and groins, strengthens feet, thighs, and back, with knees bent and heels lifted optionally.
Beginner pose strengthens hamstrings, glutes, and quads, opens chest and shoulders, with options to use a block for knee alignment.