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Floral Pattern

8 Small Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Today to Achieve Clearer Skin

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

Hydrate immediately after cleansing

One of the worst skincare blunders individuals make, according to aesthetician Renée Rouleau of Austin, Texas, is delaying applying moisturizer until too long after bathing.

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Floral Pattern

Consider your water

Susan H. Weinkle is an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of South Florida. "Soft water doesn't remove soap well, so it can leave a residue on your skin," Weinkle adds.

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Floral Pattern

Keep stress in check

It wears down almost every bodily organ, including the skin. According to a Stanford University study, students who experienced stress during exam season saw more severe breakouts of acne than those who did not.

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Floral Pattern

Exercise early and often

Since the skin's primary job is to control body temperature, when you exercise, the blood vessels in your skin widen and warm blood rises to the surface, transferring heat from your body into the surrounding atmosphere.

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Floral Pattern

Reassess your skincare routine

Dr. Marmur advises against following a strict skincare regimen and instead advocates for assembling a thoughtful assortment of items that you may then alter on a daily basis.

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Floral Pattern

Watch sun exposure indoors

Yes, you read correctly: UV rays, especially UVA rays, can enter your house and office through the windows and result in brown patches and wrinkles.

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Floral Pattern

Try a new tool

A derma roller is similar to a miniature paint roller that has tiny metal needles embedded in it. According to Mashell Tabe, an aesthetician based in Albuquerque

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Floral Pattern

Treat your skin from the inside

"I consume the building blocks of collagen like copper, which is found in nuts and seeds, and lysine, which is found in legumes and lean meats