Ways To Prepare Your Asphalt For Summer

9 Ways To Prepare Your Asphalt For Summer

As summer approaches, ensuring your asphalt surfaces are well-prepared is crucial for maintaining their longevity and appearance. The intense heat, increased traffic, and potential for damaging UV rays can take a toll on your asphalt, leading to cracks, fading, and other issues if not properly maintained. By taking proactive steps, you can protect your investment and keep your asphalt looking its best throughout the summer months. In this guide, we’ll explore nine essential ways to prepare your asphalt for summer, from sealing cracks and filling potholes to proper cleaning and applying a protective sealcoat. These practical tips will help you prevent costly repairs and ensure your asphalt surfaces remain safe, durable, and visually appealing. Whether you’re a homeowner, business owner, or property manager, following these guidelines will help you achieve long-lasting results and peace of mind during the summer season.

9 Ways To Prepare Your Asphalt For Summer

Conduct a Thorough Inspection

The first step in preparing your asphalt for summer is to conduct a thorough inspection of the surface. Look for any signs of damage, such as cracks, potholes, or areas where the asphalt has begun to deteriorate. Pay special attention to areas with heavy traffic or where water tends to pool, as these are more prone to damage. Document any issues you find and prioritize repairs based on severity. By doing a thorough check, you may find issues early on and take action before the summer heat makes them worse. This proactive approach can save you significant time and money in the long run by preventing small issues from becoming major repairs.

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Clean the Surface

The first thing you should do to get ready for summer is clean your asfalt surface. Debris, dirt, and oil stains can damage the asphalt over time, especially when exposed to the sun’s intense heat. Use a pressure washer to remove loose dirt and debris from the surface. For oil stains, apply a commercial asphalt cleaner or a mixture of dish soap and water, scrubbing the stains with a stiff brush. Removing these contaminants not only improves the appearance of your asphalt but also enhances the effectiveness of any repairs or sealants you apply. A clean surface ensures better adhesion for sealcoating and other treatments, leading to more durable results.

Seal Cracks and Fill Potholes

Cracks and potholes are common issues that can worsen with summer heat. Sealing cracks and filling potholes are critical to prevent further damage. For cracks, use a high-quality asphalt crack filler, ensuring the product penetrates deep into the crack to provide a lasting seal. For potholes, clear the area of any loose material before adding a cold or hot asphalt repair and fully compacting it to provide a level, smooth surface. Addressing these issues promptly prevents water from seeping into the asphalt, which can cause more significant damage when temperatures rise. Regular maintenance of cracks and potholes extends the life of your asphalt and maintains its structural integrity.

Apply a Protective Sealcoat

One of the best methods to get your asphalt ready for summer is to apply a protective sealcoat. Heat, UV radiation, and chemical spills can all eventually deteriorate asphalt; sealcoating serves as a shield against these elements. Make sure all repairs have been completed and the surface is clean before applying the sealcoat. Employ a squeegee or sprayer to uniformly apply the sealcoat over the whole surface. Before permitting traffic on the surface, give the sealcoat time to fully cure. In addition to improving the look of your asphalt, this protective coating extends the life of your pavement by offering a strong barrier against summertime weather.

Improve Drainage

Proper drainage is crucial for maintaining asphalt surfaces, especially during summer when heavy rainstorms can occur. Ensure that water flows away from the asphalt and does not pool on the surface. Inspect the drainage system, including gutters, downspouts, and storm drains, to ensure they are clear of debris and functioning correctly. If necessary, regrade the area around the asphalt to improve water flow. Poor drainage can lead to water infiltration, which weakens the asphalt and causes cracks and potholes. By improving drainage, you protect your asphalt from water damage and enhance its durability throughout the summer months.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Maintaining the best possible condition for your asphalt requires routine care. Make a maintenance schedule that includes routine inspections, repairs, and cleanings. Regularly check for new cracks, potholes, or other signs of wear and address them promptly. Maintaining your asphalt on a consistent basis prevents minor issues from escalating into costly repairs. Additionally, consider scheduling professional maintenance services, such as sealcoating, every few years to provide an extra layer of protection. Consistent upkeep not only extends the life of your asphalt but also ensures it remains safe and visually appealing year-round.

Control Weeds and Vegetation

Weeds and vegetation can cause significant damage to asphalt surfaces if left unchecked. Roots can penetrate the asphalt, leading to cracks and weakening the structure. Regularly inspect the edges of your asphalt for any signs of plant growth and remove weeds promptly. Use a weed killer specifically designed for use on asphalt to prevent regrowth. Additionally, consider installing edging or a barrier around the asphalt to keep vegetation at bay. Controlling weeds and vegetation helps maintain the integrity of your asphalt and prevents unnecessary damage during the summer months.

Adjust Parking and Traffic Patterns

During summer, increased temperatures can soften asphalt, making it more susceptible to damage from heavy traffic. Adjusting parking and traffic patterns can help distribute the load more evenly across the surface, reducing the risk of ruts and depressions. Encourage drivers to avoid parking in the same spot repeatedly and consider implementing a rotation system for parking areas. For high-traffic areas, consider using traffic cones or barriers to redirect traffic and reduce wear and tear on specific sections of the asphalt. By managing traffic effectively, you can minimize damage and extend the life of your asphalt surface.

Plan for Future Upgrades

Preparing your asphalt for summer also involves planning for future upgrades. Consider any long-term improvements that can enhance the durability and functionality of your asphalt surface. This might include adding a new layer of asphalt, upgrading the drainage system, or expanding the paved area. Assess the current condition of your asphalt and identify areas that could benefit from enhancements. Planning ahead allows you to budget for these upgrades and schedule them during less busy times, minimizing disruption. Future-proofing your asphalt ensures it remains in excellent condition for years to come, providing a safe and attractive surface for all users.

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Preparing your asphalt for summer is a vital part of maintaining its durability and appearance. By following these nine essential tips, you can protect your surfaces from the damaging effects of heat and UV rays, ensuring they remain in excellent condition. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your asphalt but also enhances safety and curb appeal. Don’t wait until problems arise; take action now to enjoy a smooth, attractive, and long-lasting asphalt surface all summer long. Invest in your asphalt’s future by implementing these preparation strategies today.


Why is it important to prepare asphalt for summer?

Preparing asphalt for summer prevents damage from heat and UV rays, extending its lifespan and maintaining its appearance.

What is the best way to protect asphalt from summer heat?

Applying a protective sealcoat is the best way to shield asphalt from summer heat and UV damage.

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